Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fourth Post

This is how I introduce the new Ministry Catalog at Cedar Park, coming out on March 1, 2013

We like to have fun. So, when I was sent the copy for final proofing... OK, an altered image of me was attached. There was no comment and no attention given to it. Perhaps the creative director was making a statement. It does not matter, it is all in fun and I laughed. Now, on with the intro to the catalog.

As a pastor, I get to hang around many
professing Christians and many unchristian
folks as well. Among both groups of people I have found that for many, there is a large gap
between what they expect from other Christians, their Christian faith, from God and what
they actually experience. This a classic set up for disappointment. Disappointment occurs when the actual experience of something falls far short of what we anticipated. If you are like you me you have found that petty disappointments tend to accumulate over time, undermining faith with a heavy flow of doubt. I begin to wonder whether God cares about everyday details—if he cares about me at all. I’m tempted to pray less often, having concluded in advance that it will not matter. Or will it? My emotions and my faith waiver. Once
those doubts seep in, I’m even less prepared for times of major crisis. If so many small prayers go unanswered, what about the big ones? Disappointment with God can set in when we expect God to act a certain way on our behalf, and when He does not we are disappointed in Him. We do not always consider the fact that our expectation of Him was not fair or accurate to begin with. In a word, we have set ourselves up for disappointment. Honestly, and this is hard to admit, we set ourselves up because we do not really know what God has promised, so we set the standards for Him. Ok, I admit, this is not a typical positive introduction to a Christian Ministry Catalog. But, the two are intrinsically entwined—our view and expectation of God are formed by interaction with Him through His word, and His people. The goals of this Ministry Catalog have always been to connect people with the opportunities for Christian transformation and connection and involvement in Christian community—resulting in the outflow of faith and trust in our Savior. Unfortunately I cannot promise that this vital connection will eliminate doubt or disappointment. And I dare say that both doubt and disappointment are on the same road as faith. The key thing to remember is that God is on the journey with us and it is worth the effort we put into this process of transformation. “...petty disappointments tend to accumulate over time, undermining faith with a heavy flow of doubt.”

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